Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some Audio 'podcasts' from the 'Hi Mom I'm on the Sam Jayne Show'

These audio clips are from what we've been calling 'episode 5', which was taped either in october or november 2010, gotta check the tapes. Miguel Mendez edited.

SamShow5--GregJohnson1--Ass.mp3 by Sam Jayne

This one is from episode 5. My guest Greg Johnson and I talk sex. NSFW! rated R basically.

robbie lee performance.mp3 by Sam Jayne

Musical guest Robbie Lee plays a medieval song on a medieval instrument.

KAREN_03.mp3 by Sam Jayne

I did a Karen Dalton cover for the show and then finished a mix at home. 'Something's on Your Mind'. If this violates anyone's copyright just tell me to take it down, I'm just streaming it here.

All yr sin.mp3 by Sam Jayne

'Lamplight Honey' or, 'All YR Sin' with Robbie Lee on 2nd guitar.