Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love as Laughter site launch, Sam Jayne show, parties.

June 8  - Sam Jayne and friends DJ all Wu-tang at Good Co Brooklyn
June 15 - NEW Love as Laughter website launch! Music, photos, videos, and more
June 16  - Sam Jayne djs 'Utopian Vibes' at Legion Brooklyn
Sam Jayne with a great new band June 22 at Union Hall Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. Hi.

    My name is Perry Crowe and I'm a music writer for the Red Hook Star-Revue newspaper:



    We want to write about your show at Union Hall on 6/22. Can you get me on the press list? You can reach me at perry@perrycrowe.com

    Thanks, and looking forward to the show!
